Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Brandon & Baylor Edition

We have a little catching up to do. Last week's Project Runway Canada had the designers working in teams to create an homage to a major design house. Brandon (top) quickly became the subject since he had not heard of the infamous - and dearly departed - Yves St. Laurent.  (Insert audible gasp here. Pause for effect.)  It turns out, the team's leader Kim (who had selected YSL as the team's challenge) thought she knew YSL, but alas, she didn't. (Insert audible yawn here.)

It was hard to comment on this episode. Brandon's lack of fashion knowledge seems beside the point. His inexperience only elevated Kim's absolute certainty that she knew YSL.  She loved YSL.  She got YSL, she said.  Bottom line?  She didn't, so in the bottom two she went with Brandon.  And guess who didn't measure up?  Bye, bye Brandon.

This week's challenge was clever - make an outfit for a new divorcee using her original wedding dress.  Like a Beyonce song, all the single ladies got paired with designers in creating the outfit and then worked it on the runway.   It brought a different set of challenges.  Not a size zero in the house.  Unreal design expectations.  Possibly scary fabric.  Kim steals the spotlight again with a (dare we say, feeble) attempt at designing a dress from nothing.  (Kim, darling, that outfit was a Stevie Nicks cast-off. What were you thinking?!)  But before you know it, Kim throws Jeff and his "barely tailored" dress under the bus, pointing out how little he did to the original design.  Ouch. But at least we're not yawning.

That's when things got freaky.  Baylor's client (right) was an Indian woman whose wedding sari was a ream of gorgeous 100% silk.  Sadly the final outfit didn't work, mostly because it was the kind of design that looked great on a mannequin, but not on the real model at hand.  So, bottom two he went with Kim.  And since staying power lies with who ever can bring the drama, it was bye, bye Baylor!  Say wha?!?!

In two weeks Kim got a lot of screen time, and we lost one of the more promising contestants on the show.  (Yes, I mean Baylor.  Brandon has some mad skills, let's be clear.  He's not over.  At all.)  Next week the designers make a "perfect spring dress" for a Winners customer.  Kim going mainstream?!  Now that's drama!

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