Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Wish List: Item #47

I'm a very late Christmas shopper. I never shop for the people in my life until weeks - sometimes days - before Christmas. But picking things Santa could bring me?  Easy peasy.  Luckily my husband is a great giver with or without any hints from me.  And the best part is he buys me things I would never buy myself (read: splurge-worthy).

Occasionally he marries the "need" with the "want" so I'm hoping to find these under our Christmas tree - a smart, sexy winter accessory.  Why freeze your digits off when texting whilst outdoors?  Barrington's carries these rather sleek cashmere and leather gloves with finer cut-outs, $95.  They only come in black, pine and aubergine and the store is located out in Oakville (totally out of my downtown comfort zone).  But my guess is if they have them, somebody else does too!

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